
2012 ASIS&T的大事 要不要改名 脫胎為名符其實的國際學會?

 2012 ASIS&T的大事 要不要改名 脫胎為名符其實的國際學會?
Opportunity to discuss proposed name change for ASIS&T 


[後記:ASIS&T於 2013年順利成功更名為Association for Information Science & Technology,保留原有的縮寫 ASIS&T,僅將American Society 改為Association。這個最早成立於1937年原名為American Documentation Institute,簡稱ADI,31年後,於1968年1月1日更名為American Society for Information Science,簡稱ASIS,出版期刊JASIS&T等;32年之後,於2000年第二次更名,增加technology一字,成為American Society for Information Science &Technology,簡稱ASIS&T,2013年成為Association for Information Science & Technology,為第三次更名,將和第二次更名之間相隔13年。2012年時會長Diane Sonnenwald教授囑咐我擔任國際關係委員會主席,我們實施了一項線上意見調查,鼓勵大家有話就表達。(ASIS&T members please add your comments to http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/bvJVhSC8HTs. Many thanks!! Mei-Mei Wu)

"As the ASIS&T IRC chair 2012, I would hope to solicit as many voices as possible to help the President and the board to collect sufficient data. Yet, I was also asked, “How do you think?”

It is indeed a difficult decision to make. To many people, "America" contains meanings not only the name of a country but also the association of freedom, open society, opportunity, and possibilities. These are affective connections. So why bother to make the name change? What does it mean to the evolution of an organization? And, what does it mean to the majority members at home and from abroad?

What do I think? I think that International connection is far more important than the immediate past. ASIS&T is such a unique ground that groups international peers of all types together. Librarians go to IFLA. Faculty and Ph.D. students go to ALISE and/or iconference. Researchers with specific research focus go to ISIC, CoLIS, ACM sigs, etc.. ASIS&T is home for researchers with concerns of information, technology, human and society, and those issues are universal concerns. This explains why ASIS&T, although with the majority members from North America (87.64%), still with a significant number of approximately 239 members from 56 countries. If the majority members also feel a need for such a growth, this is the time for writing history (as what our pioneer information scientists have done in 1937, 1968, and 2000!) Then ASIS&T will no longer need an International Relation Committee, but rather, the regional liaisons."

值得一提的是,這次更名投票,獲得86.4%高百分比會員投票通過更名,而這個原來主要會員為美國籍專業人士所組成的學會,美國人會籍佔了有86%,而仍能高百分比通過,可以說這個學會的美國同僚們的心胸和視野十分寬大,他們支持專業發展超越國族的侷限,可以說是 profession beyond  nation的具體實踐,用具體的選票實踐了學術發展是普世價值的信念,令人敬佩。特此誌之。m.m.]


Dear Colleagues and friends, 

I urge you to spread the following message to your colleagues, particularly ASIS&T members so that we together would encourage a public and open forum for thoroughly expressing of ideas for this important and historical issue! Thanks! 

Mei-Mei Wu 
Mei-Mei Wu, Ph.D. ASIS&T Member ASIS&T IRC Chair 2012 
Professor, Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies 
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Library & Information Science 
National Taiwan Normal University 
162, Sec.1, Ho-Ping East Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (10610) 
Tel: +886-2-7734-5431 
Fax: +886-2-2351-8476 
e-mail: meiwu@ntnu.edu.tw home page: http://mwu.glis.ntnu.edu.tw/blog/ **************************************************************** 

Dear Colleagues, 

In the "President's Column" of the latest edition of the ASIS&T Bulletin I discuss internationalization. ( See http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-12/AprMay12_PresidentsPage.pdf) Specifically I propose we consider changing from the "American Society for Information Science & Technology" to the "ASsociation for Information Science & Technology", and I invite members to discuss this via a wiki page at http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/bvJVhSC8HTs Please add your thoughts to the wiki page! And please ask your colleagues to join the discussion as well! This is an opportunity to have an open discussion regarding our name, and based on the discussion we may be able to vote on the issue this summer. Thanks in advance! 

Diane H. Sonnenwald 
Head of School Professor School of Information and Library Studies 
University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 
4 Ireland President, ASIS&T www.asist.org 
Phone: +353 1 716 7799 
Mobile: +353 87 212 5955 
Email: Diane.Sonnenwald@ucd.ie ********************************************************************* 

 2012 ASIS&T的大事 要不要改名 脫胎為名符其實的國際學會? 

 各位朋友 大家好! 

 這 一任的ASIS&T的會長,是一位溫文儒雅、學養極豐,而意志堅定的女強人。Diane Sonnenwald教授,目前在愛爾蘭都柏林大學圖書資訊學系擔任系主任,之前是美國北卡羅萊納州資訊學院的教授。她的重要研究和研究關心,主要包括資 訊視域(information horizon)和協同合作研究(collaborative research)。顯然她對於這些研究的熱愛擴及到社會實踐,所以2011年11月起,擔任ASIS&T的會長,便開始構思如何將 ASIS&T的學會精神和關懷,務實的擴及到國際和國際會員。

她說ASIS&T是一個很棒的品牌,也有為數很大的國際研究者、學者、學生 每年來參加年會,但是學會全名中的國家名稱,卻可能是一種限制,“American Society for Information Science &Technology, ASIS&T”,如果保留ASIS&T的品牌,而做些微的變更,有人提出許多建議,例如“Awesome Society for Information Science and Technology” 或是“Association for Information Science and Technology”,顯然後者,“Association”代表“an organization of people with a common purpose and having a formal structure...friendship, companionship...connection or combination”[1]很能代表學會的精神。 

請你對ASIS&T會長Diane Sonnenwald教授提出變更ASIS&T名稱表達看法。請在五月一日前到這個網頁 (http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/bvJVhSC8HTs)表示意見。 Sonnenwald教授在ASIS&T Bulletin4月號有一封會長的信,請卓參。 

斯人而有該關懷和思惟也! 非常感謝你可以撥冗上網提供意見。尤其是ASIS&T台北分會的夥伴們! 

ASIS&T IRC 2012 Chair 

 [1]"President's Column" of the ASIS&T Bulletin April, 2012, p.4.

